Thursday, August 23, 2012

RP 101

So I got a chance to RP with Asirra Yue today (Awesome RPer, if you get the chance you should do a scene with her) For those of you who don't know, she's my pet giani in my Gorean RP. While there I got into a situation involving someone who.... well, I'll let you read and see for yourself.

[17:24] Story Giver Virago (chytrine) lands on the dock and straightened, her eyes dark as she looked around "Tal" she said, her fingers lightly touching her bow as she stepped off the dock towards the village of skerry. Her movements were a little stiff, but she bore up reasonably well as she glanced around at those there. Her eyes finally fell to the small scrap of fer and her eyebrows rose in quiet delight "Fish!" she said, her lips splitting into a grin as she knelt slowly upon the loamy earth, her hand falling to her belt to pull forth some of the cat's treats.
[17:28] PixieDust Magic watched the woman carefully as she jokes and tried to speak to the kitten. but ther e was no doubtt that pix kept a careful watch on the arrivals. The woman appeared to be sea sick and her color reflected that of a long vovage that was spent in the lower hull with the crew taking turns with her. Pix remained quiet for now and then measured the man next to her as she placed her hand descreetly on her head to assume his height. "Long trip here she muttered?"

There, right there? Did you see it? Well I did. Some random woman just put me on blast in RP, but in a way I couldn't possibly respond to. This bothers me. I thought the FIRST rule of RP is if you can't respond to it, it never happened. That's god-modding, thought emoting, just generally bad RP. I mean, didn't we learn this in RP 101, back in the tender and idyllic yesteryear of our youths? Now I was tempted to go all Jerry Springer on this chick, but I refrained...

[17:40] Story Giver Virago (chytrine) glanced back towards the woman and her eyes meandered slightly over her for a heartbeat. She looked from the mini skirt to the ragged pants and the bound boots. After a moment she simply allowed an eyebrow to arch upwards and her hands reached up to pull Fishmane down to curl up in her arms. the began to cover her whiskers in kisses as she felt the bundle of fur "Kitty" she crooned softly. Her pale skin buried into the cat's side. She took that moment to reconnect with the little fluffball who had stolen her heart. After that she looked up towards the new arrivals, recognizing one from a passing acquaintance "Tal, Riddik" she said, nodding her head with a grin as she attempted to feed Fish a small vosk-fish, smoked in Sais. A special treat for her baby. Her eyes lingered for more than was polite on the slave, and her eyes flashed for a moment "What brings you to skerry? The last I saw you, you were in.... errr...." she tries to remember the name of the group.

At that point my friend had walked up, and I was happy to just go a secondary route. I ignored her, completely, choosing to RP with my friend and my giani instead. What can I say? I'm cat person even in SL. Alex, however, took offense at her comments. While normally I don't condone stuff like this. He reamed her a structurally supercilious new asshole. It was a sight to behold, really.

[17:42] Alexander Steel (jariroyce) shuffled off the docks in his ever zombie-like saunter, not failing to notice that Bou was exuberant, like a volcano of love exploding to see her chubby lil' giani, that damned cat got all the love! Papa just stood there looking pale and hollow as if he'd spent the whole voyage on his ship in the hull bound in stockades with the crew taking turns on him. However, Bou, on the other hand, to his recognition seemed radiant and rather enchanting as ever, maybe a bit salty from a couple months at sea, but by no means crusty. However, he'd corkscrew his head to give an equal appraisal of Pixie, his eyes undulated up and down as he scanned her form. Yet, he'd say it alloud rather than keep it to himself "What are you supposed to be? The poster-girl for an Ar experiment on a schendi monkey gone bad in drag? I remember when our vine-swinging forest-romping primate women use to wear loincloth rather than try and trend around Gor in burlap mini-skirts with cute Jolly-rogers emblazoned on them like some backwards
[17:42] Alexander Steel (jariroyce):  ass,, she-narwhal-wench. Also, whats up with your nose, it looks like your head got too close to the shelves in a library and some errant scribe smashed your nozzle pinioned between two books. And not like small ones either... like city annals or something. Heavy ass, city annals offering ages worth of history collected in thousands of pages.... "

This goes goes to prove my point. It's always better when you can react to it.

I guess that's my lesson for the day. If you don't have anything nice to say, say mean shit and start a storyline, don't hide behind your RP in a way that doesn't allow anyone to react to what you're saying. On the offhand chance you want to passive aggressively insult someone, there's always that birding group !Pirate Brethren Raid Messenger. Those idiots don't even eject people.

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